Many in the world have been fortunate enough to have resources to help others. The key to real happiness is the voluntary–not compulsory–sharing of those resources to lift and bless the lives of others.

  • No one can do everything.

  • Everyone can do something.

  • When it comes down to the meaningful parts of life, does acquisition of more things really matter?

  • Would you rather share your wealth with those in need than purchase something you don’t really need, for example, just to lower your taxes? Why not donate to a charity (like Makadi) and get the same tax deduction and know you are the someone doing something–making a difference.

“The more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. We become more substantive as we serve others–indeed, it’s easier to find ourselves because there’s so much more of us to find.”  

D. Todd Christofferson, “Saving your life"

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Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere

Annual Month of Giving

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It doesn’t take much to change a life.

Get in touch today and start making the difference.